Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Editing Styles and Techniques


Here are the names of the techniques that Dickens uses in his work:

1. Crosscutting/parallel editing is when more than one event is shown alternatly.

2.Cut in, cut away is when the shot transitions from one distance to another. (Seen in Hot Fuzz). Its used to add drama and tension.

3. Jump cut is where the background or the foreground change while the other stays the same. (Seen in Hot Fuzz) It's used to signify everyday routine, with differences.

4. Shot/reverse shot shows a character looking at something, inbetween, showing the subject they are looking at. Seen in most films with dialogue between characters. Depending on the tone its used, it can create tension: what are they looking at?

5.Wipe edit is when one shot is pushed or taken over by another shot moving vertically. (Seen in Spaced-episode 1)

6. Graphic match is when a colour or shape is similarly mactched with a subject in the film. (Seen in Hot Fuzz: the hue goes to red to match the blood)

7. Long take/ plain sequence is when there is one long continous shot that is unedited. (Seen in Shaun of the dead)

8. Overlapping editing is where a shot or small sequence is repeated.

9. Montage sequence is a a range of short quick shots placed side by side usually with no relation to eachother. (Seen in the opening of Hot Fuzz)

10. Sound bridging is when sound or dialogue from one shot is overlapped on another shot. Seen in many films for a smoother transition between shots.

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